Starting a relationship is difficult but what is more difficult is handling it. Having your significant other is something that can change your life. It teaches you about responsibility, patience and trust. It brings consistency and stability in your life and helps you develop many other such traits that can help you become a complete man that people can look up to. Having friends to share your … [Read More...]
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Is She Over Her Ex?
There is nothing worse than falling for someone then realizing that she is interested in someone else. You have a particularly big obstacle if that person is her ex-boyfriend. If you have been dating for a while and are beginning to feeling like she is not totally invested in the relationship, you need to look for some warning signs that she isn’t ready to move on. If she is still pining over … [Read More...]

What Your Image Tells Your Date
Whether it is the car you drive, the way you eat your food, drink your drink, or the way you dress, women are always observing and making judgments on you and who you. In this particular article we will discuss what your clothes could be telling the women that you're going out with. Keep is somewhat Casual Unless you're going to a symphony, or an opera, you'll probably want to leave your suit in … [Read More...]
Dating Tips

What Your Image Tells Your Date
Whether it is the car you drive, the way you eat your food, drink your drink, or the way you dress, women are always observing and making judgments on … [Read More...]

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Showing your girlfriend that you believe she's the "one" without being too obvious or proposing on the spot takes time and energy. Rather than simply … [Read More...]

How to Date As a Single Parent
Dating can be challenging at any time but it is an entirely different game when kids are involved. While it is important to have a great dating life, … [Read More...]
Dating Tips

What Your Image Tells Your Date
Whether it is the car you drive, the way you eat your food, drink your drink, or the way you dress, women are always observing and making judgments on … [Read More...]

How to Flower Her with Flowers
Showing your girlfriend that you believe she's the "one" without being too obvious or proposing on the spot takes time and energy. Rather than simply … [Read More...]

How to Date As a Single Parent
Dating can be challenging at any time but it is an entirely different game when kids are involved. While it is important to have a great dating life, … [Read More...]
How to Get a Girlfriend

Good Reasons for Getting a Girlfriend
Starting a relationship is difficult but what is more difficult is handling it. Having your significant other is something that can change your life. … [Read More...]

Is She Over Her Ex?
There is nothing worse than falling for someone then realizing that she is interested in someone else. You have a particularly big obstacle if that … [Read More...]

Are You Choosing the Wrong Type?
If it seems like you keep running into the same obstacles in every relationship, that might mean that you keep making the same mistakes. Choosing a … [Read More...]