While most men have trouble approaching women, some have it worse than others. No matter how many times these guys rehearse lines in their heads, when faced with a woman they find themselves tongue-tied, sweaty-palmed, and unable to even make eye contact. If this describes you, then you really need to take a moment to absorb some of David Deangelo’s dating tips for guys.
You see, you can rehearse lines and act out scenarios in your head all day long, but this won’t cure your inability to approach women. The problem is that you need to work on your Inner Game. This is the crown jewel in David Deangelo’s advice for guys, and it is all about getting you to believe that you are capable of not only approaching, but also getting dates with beautiful, unapproachable women.
The Deep Inner Game is not about the women you want to date, it is about you. Before you even start memorizing pick-up lines, you need to get your head in the right place, and start believing in yourself. You need to begin by letting go of every negative experience you have ever had trying to pick up women. If you walk up to a woman with a killer pick-up line, but a defeatist attitude, you will never get anywhere! Women are not interested in guys with low self-esteem. Women love confidence, energy, and man who make them laugh.
When you approach a woman, you must convince yourself that she is very attracted to you, that she can’t wait to get your number, and that you are approaching her because she was looking at you. It isn’t necessary for you to actually feel this way- you basically are going to fake it until you have convinced yourself that it is true. Approach her as though you know that you will be going home with her number, and you just might.
You should adopt an alpha-male posture: shoulders back, easy smile, and full eye contact. Don’t overdo it! When approaching women, flash a nice smile and make a positive comment that will get things going on the right track. Don’t compliment her, just reflect on how great the DJ is, what a beautiful night it is, and so on.
Like anything else in life, approaching women takes practice. You will never get good at this unless you practice a lot. Part of practice means dealing with rejection, and this is something you simply have to accept beforehand. The good news is that the more you deal with rejection, the easier it gets, and the less frequent it becomes. As you practice your approach, your body language will actually begin to reflect your confidence and comfort, and it will make you irresistible to women. But don’t take it from me, get out there and see for yourself!
Dear Sir,
Your advice to ‘fake it’ regarding feelings of confidence is quite good; well, it would be if it were actually advice. Pray tell, how does one fake it? Do I just keep repeating to myself that the woman is swooning over me while knowing it isn’t true? How does that help, exactly?
If I know it’s not true, how can I trick myself into believing it?