David Deangelo on Meeting Women Online
This is where you need to be to learn about how to really stand out in the online dating world. After you have signed up for a couple online dating sites – now what, right?
Well here you will learn some fantastic online dating tips from the masters. Learn what to do to write your profile that will make it stand out among the thousands of other online profiles. Learn how to craft an email to a woman you want to meet. Learn how to respond to her emails. Learn what to say and more importantly sometimes, what not to say to spark attraction in an online environment that is devoid of body language cues.
More online dating tips will be coming weekly, so keep checking back as the library grows. For an immediate crash course in meeting women online, check out Scot McKay’s program featurring David DeAngelo (and many others) David Deangelo’s program dedicated solely to meeting women online and online dating tips.
Here is a quick article for you to read:
There are a lot of new venues coming out that can be used to meet women online. Myspace was popular for a while, but then the spammers started hitting it and all the commercial crap – and pretty soon Myspace became a feeding frenzy – and meeting women online became a LOT harder.
But then Facebook came along – and did a MUCH better job of keeping out the internet mongers. Thus it has become a reliable venue for meeting women online and can really breathe some life back into your dating life. The thing is – you gotta know HOW to market yourself on Facebook so you don’t look like some jackass from Myspace who just got a new playground.
Here are four simple steps you can follow to begin to open the floodgates.
STEP 1: Connect with the guys – and other women – who have a lot of cute girl friends. You have to be circumspect at the beginning, or you really could accused of spamming and kicked out. So root out the people who have big networks – and become their friends. Remember – in this case – friends FIRST!
Next – start trying to connect with the women you are interested in a very roundabout manner. Send them a friend request with a message. Now, if you send a message that says, “Hey baby you are HOT – wanna hook up?” She is going to kick you right in your cyber-nuts and block you. Instead – find something about her that you have in common, and find a person that you are both friends with. Instead, say something like “Hey I saw you on Michael’s friend list and I noticed that you love to read too. Have you ever read The Death Gate Cycle by Margaret Weiss and Tracy Hickman?” Make sure it’s a question, too, so she feels compelled to answer you.
STEP 3: Start using the tools that Facebook offers. If you are meeting women online, you have got to at least use the Group tool. If you want to start doing that – check out the group “Carlos Xuma’s Alpha Lifestyle” – it is a totally cool way to get together with other MEN and discuss the latest dating tips for men on the internet.
Anyway – create a group that is something that women would like too. Ok– so no Fantasy Baseball League Group. Instead try something about maybe coffee or cooking, fitness, the latest reality show or local venues. Something a woman can get into. Then – invite her to your group!
The last step is where you really start getting into the good stuff. Here is where you begin to take your Group offline – have a party at a local bar, or set up a group outing. THIS is where you can start really meeting the women. Have a wine appreciation group? Go to wine tasting. Have a gourmet food group? Check out a new restaurant. Get the drift, Kimosabe?
Ok – so this is some pretty basic stuff, but it can really liven up your dating life. If you want to REALLY learn some tips and tricks for meeting women online, check out Scot McKay’s program on Meeting Women Online called Online Dating Domination, featuring David DeAngelo and many others!
Or – if you want to read some REALLY cool dating tips for men by Carlos Xuma (mentioned above – and you can actually hook up with him on Facebook. Talk about a NETWORK!) check out his Dating Black Book of dating tips.