Gambling can be fun at times – playing Poker, betting on horses or football games or even in physical situations like skiing. Most men, however, don’t particularly like to gamble when it comes to approaching women. I mean, it’s easier to lose a few bucks to a pal than to lose face when a woman rejects you, right?
Naturally, this leads to guys wanting to figure out a way to meet women that involves no risk. Well, you can always have your buddies pre-screen every woman you want to walk up to and say hi. They could interview her! “Hey – my friend over there wants to know if you are interested in him.” OR – you could do like I did the first time I ever wanted to ask a girl out. I sent her a note that said, “Will you be my girlfriend? Check one. Yes No”.
Give me a break, it was 6th grade!
Ok, so maybe those ideas aren’t so great. In fact, they are downright wussie. It’s easy to see that, though, when you are reading it in black and white.
My point is, there is no way to meet a woman without taking some risks. Trying to do so creates a mentality of “average-ness”. Being average is NOT attractive to women. Women want a guy who can create attraction for them, and that means being a strong, confident, powerful man comfortable in your own skin.
There are two things you can do to minimize the impact of rejection. One thing is to use a little Cocky Comedy. The other thing is to not take rejection so seriously.
Cocky Comedy is a technique for meeting women developed by David Deangelo. What is it? Cocky Comedy is technique for meeting women that uses humor that not only elevates attraction but establishes you as the alpha male. What you do is you start busting on her from the minute you meet. Joke with her, bust on her, keep her on her toes – and this will create attraction for her.
For example, tell her that you noticed she is nursing that drink like a 2 day old baby. Or tell her she is going to have to work harder than that to get your attention. Bust on her clothes, her height (NEVER HER WEIGHT!!!) her shoes, her laugh – whatever comes to mind. Make it witty. And after that, you give her a sign using body language that shows her you are interested in her.
So you get it? You bust on her verbally – then with your body language tell her you are attracted to her. It works like a charm.
Now – there is always risk involved. What if you go too far and piss her off? It’s the end of the world!! Or not. I, personally, choose the “not” option. Remember – YOU are TOTALLY in charge of how things affect you. Does it bruise my ego when a hot woman rejects me? No – because I CHOOSE to move on and not even think about it again, because it does not matter. She was probably a freak anyway!
Those techniques by David Deangelo definitely helped a lot of men in the dating community. Even master PUA Julian Foxx agrees that David Deangelo has significant contributions in the growth of the PUA community. But I think I’d rather hear and see from the real PUAs rather than theories..