Is there a such thing as a human mating dance? It is very clear in nature when two animals are mating, because they use their body language to display it, with complex rituals, dances, displays or projects. These rituals are hardwired into the animals, they are completely instinctual, not something they learn from their parents or from a movie on the discovery channel.
So, do human beings have a mating dance, a set of ritual courtship steps that we go through in the process of selecting a mate and proceeding from that selection into the consummation of that selection? Yes, we do. However, most men do not KNOW the steps of that dance, and therefore will not be chosen by a woman to be their mate.
Let us digress for just a moment. How is a solid gold coin different from paper money? Paper money is actually a representation of money, it is not worth anything outside the value of what society or the government has placed upon it. The gold coin has value outside of monetary value, it can be melted down and made into other objects.
In this same vein, how is body language different than other languages? Body language is an innate method of communication that is incapable of lying, as well as has no language barrier. A smile is a universal sign, whereas the word “hello” is different in languages around the world. According to Dr. Albert Mehrabian in his Psychology Today article, it is estimated that only 7% of communication is purveyed by words, 38% by voice tone and the remaining 55% by facial expression and body language.
Body Language and expression, then, are KEY COMPONENTS in understanding the complexities and mechanics of attraction. I highly recommend STUDYING Body Language if the mechanics of attraction interest you at all. By studying Body language, you can learn the subtle signals and methods of sparking attraction with a woman that 99% of the population have NO IDEA exist at all. The Naturals? THEY KNOW. The guys you see at the bars and clubs just picking up woman after woman? THEY KNOW. The dork-wad making moon eyes at every hottie that walks by him and getting rejected more times than a dick flavored sucker? HE does NOT know.
That being said, how about some recommendations? If you want to get in the know, you have got to check out Carlos Xuma’s Approach Program – he can teach you some AMAZING things about Body Language and how it affects the mating dance in a real and tangible way.
Here are some of the things Carlos will teach you:
- What instinct you must trust to enable your long-term success with women…
- How to interpret and handle open/closed body language so that you’re not tricked again…
- What is the difference between men and women and how they express interest or disinterest in body language…?
- How to find the single most important indicator of interest from a woman and how you need to read it to stay on track when you’re building attraction…?
- What are the specific definitions of each of her body movements and how to read them all…?
- What are the Positive vs. Negative Indicators from a woman – and which ones you can trust to read her correctly and not waste your time?
- Proxemics – What they are, and how they work in different settings…
- My 2 Essential Techniques to use to get a woman to feel trust and rapport with you so that you can get past the games and get really connected…
- The Approach Killers – I’ll give you ALL the mistakes guys typically make during the approach – and how you can learn to avoid them…
- How to use my “Assume the Bond” strategy and have her feeling like she’s known you her whole life…
- The one thing you must communicate with your words to make your approach succeed, and if you don’t communicate this, she’ll just walk away…
There’s even more inside this program…
- What you absolutely must NOT do during your approach to avoid the “uncomfortable silence” situation – and how you can stop this from ever happening again…
- How to use “Monk’s Discipline” for perseverance to success with women and getting conversations that not only keep going until you want to leave them, you’ll have her hooked on you…
- I’ll destroy the myths about “rejection” and “approach anxiety” that guys like us feel, and I’ll show you how to rid yourself of the fear and shyness that holds you back from approaching the really beautiful women you see in the bars…
- Why most approaches fail, and what you can do to easily double your success rate at getting numbers from women…
- You’ll understand the Five Levels of Approachers – Figure out which one you are, and how to achieve phenomenal growth by using the right approach strategies for your level…
- The A.I.M. Method of approaching, explained in detail from start to finish – a complete system of how to approach women – for every guy at any skill level…
- How to give yourself the mind-set you must have to ensure you are never rejected or lose confidence when you’re talking with women ever again…
- Tons of Example Approaches – you’ll have specific word-for-word approaches for meeting girls at a:
- Restaurant
- Grocery store
- Department store
- Bar
- Club
- Park
- Parking Lot
- Street or sidewalk
- Bookstore
- Your Local Coffee Shop
- Party
- Any Group Setting
- Festival or a Street fair
- Convention
- Your Gym or Exercise Club
- An Art Show
- ANYWHERE you see a woman you want to meet