Guys wanting dating advice are always asking me how to talk to women and how to keep the attraction going when meeting women or going on a date. Flat out – one of the best ways to keep a woman interested is to learn how to BE FUNNY. I always recommend my readers check out David DeAngelo’s Cocky Comedy course, but this article is going to give you seven tips right out of the Double Your Dating eBook on how to be funny. Trust me, even YOU can do this!
Alright, so what you need to learn is how to use a few things to make quick, witty comments that will amp up her attraction. I hear you, though, asking me how a smart-assed remark is going to make a woman attracted to you. Trust me friend – if you want a beautiful woman, you cannot trip all over yourself like a love-sick toady. You have to show that you are not intimidated by her and that you can take her or leave her. A great way to do this and to display confidence is through the use of humor – not class clown humor – sharp, witty humor.
Ok, so on to the tips from David DeAngelo….
First – You remember Joey from Friends? Remember how Joey made the phrase “Hi – how are you?” into a sexually laden comment? Well, you need to start doing the same sort of thing by looking for sexual innuendo in every situation and using that to charge her with trying to seduce you before you even really know her. For example, if she says, “Well, it’s getting late, and I think it’s time I head off to bed”, you say, “Bed? Already? You haven’t even bought me dinner yet! What would your mother say?”
Second – if someone gives a really emotional response to something, ask them, “How do you REALLY feel about it?” So one thing she could say is “I just HATE it when waiters take too long!” you ask her, “How do you REALLY feel about it?” Your sarcastic comment will bring out the ridiculousness of the heat of the remark compared to the real situation.
Third – and one of my personal favorites -exaggerate. One thing Tyler Durden used to say is “Whatever you are saying you like, say it is the “BEST ____ EVER!!” Like, “This is the BEST SHIRT EVER!” ina really emphatic way. Or you can also really turn it around on a woman when she is fishing for a compliment, and she says something like “This shirt makes my boobs look too big” you can say “Well, I was not going to mention it, but I was thinking about propping a lawn chair under them to keep out of the sun today….” Beware – you may get a solid punch for that, but its worth it. (If she hits you, by the way, you ALWAYS smack her ass). And if she gets violent like that – keep it up!! You are doing it right!
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The fourth thing you can do is great. Say, “Anyway” and look away fast after making a wise-ass comment. An example – if someone says, “That guy looks like a total DORK” say, “Oh, I thought he was your twin – anyway” (look away quickly). Looking away is really important, and saying “anyway” let’s you move into another element of the conversation. Keep your face straight, too, if you can, that always makes it even funnier.
A fifth tip on being funny from David DeAngelo – try to connect things happening around you to current events in a comical way. If a guy with a pale complexion walks by, say, “Check it out – its Edward Cullen!” If a woman starts talking about how she just bought herself a new car, say, “I hope it’s not one of those you can fold up and put in your purse….” (These may be funny now, but in a year or two no one will get them, so be sure to keep up to date on things!)
The sixth tip – always intentionally misinterpret what a woman says. If you say, “Let’s run over to the pizza shop and grab a bite to eat ” and the girl says, “Let’s do it”, turn to her and say, “Let’s do it? You mean right here? I was hungry, but I can wait if you insist!”
The last tip is – even if you think you are hilarious, TRY not to laugh at your own jokes very often. If you can maintain a poker face, it will make each of these situations even funnier and increase the tension.
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The Cocky Comedy course sounds interesting and seems like an essential course for anyone who is actively dating. It feels kind of ridiculous reading the examples from the book excerpts in this article, but I guess that is the whole point; To practice being a bit ridiculous or sarcastic. It is about developing your creative ability so being funny and sexually subtle becomes second nature. It’s kind of like when actors train at improvisation classes in order to be more spontaneously creative, without fear of failure or of being ridiculed.
good article, i think you really captured some really core parts of what david deangelo teaches on being funny here.
definitely some classics as well as a couple new spins on them. keep up the good posts.
This was very interesting, you do realize that putting this information out on a blog will let your secret be known to woman like me. I have experienced this kind of behavior before when I was on a date and I have to say it was entertaining to say the least but buy the end of the evening it was really getting on my nerves. Maybe there should be some tips on knowing when to stop acting that way before you lose the girl by the end of the date. Do you think this method would work for women or would it just look and sound ridiculous coming from a woman? I kind of think it would but I wonder why that is too, such double standards for men and women anymore. Thank you for letting us know where this bit of information came from, I will have to ask the next guy that tries using this on me if he read your book. Give some tips on knowing when to stop acting this way and I think it might work 98% of the time.
I agree making a woman laugh is a good idea but knowing when to stop is a good idea as well. It gets kind of annoying when all the guy does it make wise cracks all night long and you can’t talk to him on a serious note or about a serious subject with out a wise crack. Laughing can be a turn on but it can be a urn off just as quickly. Be able to judge when it is appropriate and when it isn’t and the even balance will get you miles further than one or the other.
Reading this article is so reaffirming to me because I have always noticed that the guys who are popular with women somehow always seem to be funny – at least some of the time. I have a sense of humor, but I tend to be able to read between the lines and understand subtle humor, but it is hard for me to be creatively humorous on the spot. I always come up with humorous ideas well after the moment has passed. Maybe I should take an improvisation acting class. I’d like to be more comedic, not to pick up people, but just because I would like to make people laugh. I think it is an advantageous trait to have in social and business scenarios.
I have heard that laughing is an aphrodisiac but I think you can get carried away with it as well. There is a fine line between funny and annoying and I think the key is finding that balance and sticking to it. The one thing I didn’t agree with in your article is the one about if she gives you an emotional response to something, making light of that may backfire on you it just depends on the person and the emotions involved. I think to make this work you have to be really good at reading people and judging their reaction before you say or do something. Remember that balance you are looking for and don’t become the annoying one because girls do like to gossip and guess what the topic of the night would be.
I like the tips provided here for being funny in a subtly sexual way. Although you may not want to use those exact words or you may not want to go to the same well all of the time (and risk sounding phony), these tips work well for giving you a good idea as to the sort of thinking you should be practicing for various scenarios. With enough practice, eventually I don’t think you will need to preplan or script your responses. Once this way of thinking creatively becomes a habit you will be able to come up with funny things to say on the fly. That is why comedians are so good at this – because they practice hours of improvisational exercises.
I am surprised to hear you give this advice to men in the first place but to know that it has been used and it works is even worse. But you do realize that putting this information out on a blog will let your secret be known to woman like me. This kind of behavior can be very entertaining but it can be really annoying as well I know it got on my nerves when a guy used it on me. Maybe there should be some tips on knowing when to stop acting that way before you lose the girl by the end of the date. Do you think this method would work for women? It might work but there are such double standards for men and women anymore. Thank you for letting us in on your little secret, I will have to ask the next guy that tries using this on me if he read your book. If you were to write instructions about knowing when to stop acting this way you could make this one hundred percent fool proof.
This was very cool, I always knew the way to get a girl was by making her laugh I have never figured out why that is important to them but that is what I have always heard . Now that you have verified it for me I will feel better about being cocky and comical at the same time. Do you think there is a point though where you should try and really be sincere and let a little bit of the real you show? Maybe there should be some tips on knowing when to stop acting that way before you end up going home alone again, I’m just saying. I have a buddy that uses humor in all situations and sometimes it isn’t appropriate or it starts to get on peoples nerves and I don’t want to be like him. Do you think this method has been used by women before or would it just look and sound ridiculous coming from a woman? Because I think that I have had a lady use this technique on me before. Maybe I should hire myself out like the movie “Hitch and give dating advice what do you think? Ok maybe not until I really get it down myself
Reading this article reminded me of a guy I used to know who would try so hard to score with women that he often tried to use humor to get the attention of females. He was willing to use everything and anything that would give him an edge. He even learned magic tricks you could perform at bars in a pathetic attempt to impress women. The funniest thing is he seemed to always fail in attracting women. He succeeded in making many of them laugh, with his many impressions of characters like Donald Duck, Mickey Mouse, Mini Mouse, Goofy. He even channeled the famous radio disc jockey from the 60’s and 70’s, Wolf Man Jack. He was somewhat on the right track in using humor, but in all the 10 years that I knew him, I never actually saw him score with a female. I only heard his stories of his conquests which I never once witnessed myself.
I do think that over in China they believe that laughing is an aphrodisiac but I am not sure if that is the case here in the US. I know there are plenty of guys out there that are hoping it is but I can tell you this there is a fine line between funny and annoying and once you hit that annoying point there is no turning back and there is no chance with that girl. I think to make this work you have to be really good at reading people and judging their reaction before you say or do something. Remember that balance you are looking for and don’t become the annoying one because girls do like to gossip and guess what the topic of the night would be. Take it slow and judge the situation before being a jerk.
If there are more suggestions in the book beyond what is covered in this article, I think it would be well worth the investment for any guy to practice and then practice some more because if there is one recurring theme that I have heard from female feedback, is that humor is one of the most disarming and alluring qualities they find in a guy. I remember watching the last Making of the Sports Illustrated Swim Suit TV special, during which they interviewed several of the models and they all mentioned humor among the most attractive qualities they want in a guy.
Common sense and a sense of humor are the same thing, moving at different speeds. A sense of humor is just common sense, dancing. That was what William James wrote. Ok, that wasn’t very funny and way too introspective for this topic, but it is true. And it doesn’t take a genius to understand that humor is a kind of armor you use on the dating battlefield. Oh My God, I did it again; another corny reference. As long as you follow the advice or David DeAngelo and make the humor sort of sardonic and quasi-sexual, then you cannot go wrong. Anyway, I think everyone knows this by now. But if you were among the clueless, I hope you now know this after reading this article. There, I think that was sort a bit sarcastically humorous.
I think that laughing is a great ice breaker, if you have a one liner that you can walk up to a girl and use on her to make her laugh that is a good way to break the ice and get the evening started. But judge the situation and the person before you go off trying to make light of everything from that point on. Some women don’t like the class clown type and some of them do. I believe I read one of the comments that said you can tell when a woman is getting annoyed by your humor if you pay attention to the looks she gives you or the look in her eye, and that is true in most cases. Another way to tell if the cocky comic isn’t working is if you try to make her laugh a couple of times and neither one works she isn’t in to that kind of humor.
The advice here is good advice and you should take it to heart but I would suggest listening to the advice of some of the readers as well, like the advice to know when to stop being funny, to watch their faces and tell when you are at the verge of being annoying. Know where that fine line is and make sure you don’t cross it because that will definitely ruin your plans for the evening.
I believe that this does work I have seen it used in the clubs before but the only warning I think you should consider is to not take it to far. No when to stop being funny, because if you don’t you will just become annoying and then you might as well go home because she isn’t going to change her mind once you annoy her. Great advice though I wish you all luck.
This is very interesting, I never thought that it was so hard to talk to a woman that you had to put on an act to try to get her attention. Why not just go up and talk to her like a normal person, I think guys put to much pressure on themselves about this because all they want to do is possible get them in bed. Take that out of the equation and be yourself.
I think humor is a nice ice breaker to open the line of communication but that is about as far as you need to take it on a first encounter. You have to find out m ore about her before you know how much humor to use. Don’t be afraid of the women most of them won’t bite.
I think that the story that Lulu shared with us is probably the common thing that happens when men try and use humor. You have to make sure that you catch just the right woman to use humor on or just like this story you are going to succeed in making them laugh but that is about as far as you are going to get with them. Try being yourself with just a little humor and you will be surprised.
Ok I will admit that sometimes it is attractive when a guy is being witty. But I think you are wrong about how to respond if she gives you an emotional response to something. There are times when it is cute and times when it is annoying and there is one thing I hate in a guy and that is not being taken seriously when I ask a question or respond emotionally to something.
I am not sure how it will work to step all over a ladies feeling by making light of an emotional response to something. Some women may not care and laugh about it, but if you do that and then don’t laugh about it like the last tips tells you not to, then she could easily get offended and leave quickly.
I agree with this article, I really do, I have actually seen this work many times before but you have to know when to stop. You can’t do this the whole evening and expect to take her home because it gets old after a while, so I am just saying no when to stop and you should do ok.
Your fifth tip about using common day events and relating things going on around you to them is another great idea of yours. I found that it works great at getting them to open up to you and start really having fun because girls like to gossip and the love to people watch and make comments about what they see, so this one works really well. Thanks a lot for the tips guy so far all of them I have tried work.
I have used the “So how do you really feel before and it does break the tension and make them laugh. After that it is like they relax more as well and the conversation can just take off. That one was great advice, I still haven’t used the sexual innuendo piece of advice yet because I don’t feel I should use that until at least the second or third date. Is that crazy?
So you think part of the problem with men and why they can’t really talk to a woman is because they are intimidated by them? Why would that be? And I never thought self confidence was in the humor, I always thought that was to hide how uncomfortable you are in a situation. This was a very interesting read and I found a lot of new ideas to use. I will let you know if it works or not.