Many men may not be aware of what it is that women look for and how to present the best appearance when seeking to connect with a woman in today’s dating scene. Just as important as what to do, how to look, etc., however, can be what not to do and how not to look. For instance, you might have had a relationship go sour early on and have no idea why, especially when everything seemed to “click”. The point is that many things may have been clicking with her too, but something got in her craw, and drove her a way. It may be too late this time, although if you really liked this girl, try it again with some modifications – leave out these “unspoken” pet peeves. Here are a few tips on what women consider their worst pet peeves will provide an insight into what works and what doesn’t work in today’s dating world.
Looking at other Women
Number One on a women’s worst pet peeve list is looking at other women when you’re on a date with them. Although men are visual creatures whose eyes follow attractive people instinctively, you should learn to curb this automatic response carefully if you want to make a favorable impression with the women you’re dating. So get your head on straight and look forward at her. If you happen to look away, as men tend to do in normal conversation, and catch a glimpse of an attractive woman, keep that head moving – and don’t stare. Go to the thinking mode and look up. The thinking mode is “thinking about the one you’re with!”
Forgetting Your Manners
Good manners are important in every area of life, but men sometimes suffer lapses in manners when they are nervous or in casual situations such as sports events or especially in social groups with other men around. Simple gestures such as please and thank you, holding the door for, listening attentively to her conversation, keeping your voice volume in check, avoiding rough language and generally being low-key can assure your date that you can go anywhere and be socially acceptable. If she wants to be a little loud and boisterous, let her, this is not a competition.
Personal Grooming Lapses
We’ve said it before, and it needs to sink in: Not tending personal grooming is one of the biggest pet peeves most women hate. If you don’t look well-groomed and personal, she will have a difficult time looking past it to the shining person within. Clean skin, well-cut hair and stylish clothing are some of the physical characteristics women notice. Clean and tidy facial hair is critical to creating a good impression.
Relationship Histories
Women find stories of bad behavior and heartache a real turnoff, and it may have them beginning to wonder about your part in the breakup. Keep any tales of woe for a time when the relationship has grown deeper, and you can be assured of getting a fair hearing. She may talk about her recent heart-break or a cheating boyfriend, but don’t try chiming in with your sob stories. Instead, give her sympathy and understanding, and move the conversation towards positive things and interests you both have in common.
Overconfidence and Self-Absorption
A date is not the place to show your bold self-confidence or sales technique. You may be a fascinating human being with many tales to tell, but dating is about exchanging information on both sides. Remember to stop and listen, ask questions and respond appropriately. As just mentioned, talk about positive topics, and interests you both have in common. Usually, talking about what you both like will carry the conversation perfectly. This will help expose just how compatible you really are.
Getting Too Close, Too Fast
Every relationship is a dance, and it’s important for men to be able to judge the pace of their partner. Avoid asking overly personal questions unless the women seems open to it. Be careful what you “read” into things—you may be wrong. And whatever you do, don’t “step on her toes!”
April Labarron is a native of Southern California. She has her BA in English/Literature from MSJC in Menifee, Ca. She views her freelance writing, not only as a career, but as her passion. Other areas of interest include; movies, food, singing, soccer, traveling, shopping and a continuous desire for learning. She lives on her own and is accompanied by her Pomeranian named, Elvis. She currently resides in Temecula, CA.