Going on a first date should feel exciting, although plenty of nerves and anxiety are often present as well, especially if you genuinely think you will really like the girl you’re going out with for the evening. When you’re planning a first date, there are a few preparation details that most men forget that can help make a much better impression on your date throughout the night. Preparing ahead of time before a date will also make you feel a confidence boost while allowing you to navigate the date with ease at all times.
Getting Ready
When you’re getting ready for your date, consider the location of the date to choose proper attire and any other accessories you plan to wear. Showering, brushing your teeth, and doing your hair for your date are essential, especially if you are headed out on a blind first date. To make an even stronger impression, you might consider getting teeth whitened. Simple touches such as a perfectly white smile can go a long way toward helping you sweep your date off her feet!
Make reservations at a new restaurant if you want to make an impression. Additionally, if you already have specific restaurant plans, be sure to call ahead of time to ensure there is enough room for you and your date to avoid a potentially embarrassing situation. Many restaurants will even allow you to make arrangements for a more secluded arrangement if you plan ahead. This will keep you out of the range of other loud conversations and distractions, allowing you and your date to have a more personal conversation.
Consider Your Date’s Personality
Before heading out with your date for the evening, consider her personality to make the most out of the night. If your date is interested in adventure and the outdoors, mix it up a bit by planning a sports or picnic-related date. If your date prefers books, quiet nights and tea, plan a romantic night-time candlelit dinner for the two of you. Your date will appreciate that you took her taste into account when making plans, and this simple step will show how thoughtful you really are – and will continue to be – right?
Ask Her Plenty of Questions
This is one of the most common dating errors. Many people spend most of a date only talking about themselves. This is often a major turn-off. A smooth way to shift the conversation to her is by asking lots of questions and following up to what she has to say. Often, you will strike up some commonalities which really help. Showing real interest in your date’s life will then also opportunities for you to relate to her, forging a more personal connection.
Be Yourself
Many times on first dates, making a good first impression is idealized over making an impression that is real. However, if you are seeking a real relationship or a potential long-term partner, it is essential to be yourself as much as possible while also being kind, generous, and attentive to your date. Don’t hide your true self in a corner solely to land another date. Make sure your date can truly understand and connect with you as you really are.
Knowing how to properly prepare for a first date will help ensure you are as confident as possible without appearing cocky or over-confident to your date. Additionally, being well-prepared for your date will make the occasion much more likely to go over smoothly, potentially leading to even more dates in the future.