Ok guys, let’s talk some straight body language tips here. Women want a real man, and from the first moment she sees you, she is sizing you up. She is looking for a MAN – and the definition of an attractive Man to a woman is dominant, alpha male. I don’t mean be a jerk – I mean be confidant, sure of yourself, display your “prowess” in other words. Let her know that you are powerful and able man.
On the flip side of that, there are some dead giveaways to a woman that you are NOT these things to her, and it will turn her off faster than a light switch. These are sure fire attraction KILLERS. Never, under any circumstance, project any of these body language traits when you are trying to pick up women (or under any circumstance, for that matter).
A few of them are:
1) Can’t maintain eye contact
2) Has slumped, submissive posture
3) Fidgets nervously
4) Gives away his power
5) Looks for attention and approval from others
Of course, there are so many “little attraction signals” that women look for to make that snap decision about what kind of man you are and INSTANTLY know whether or not you are worth another thought. ALL of this in conveyed through your BODY LANGUAGE.
Now, as I said earlier, these “decisions” that women make about attraction all happen on a subconscious level. Women don’t look at a guy, then say to a friend, “Well, he held eye contact when I looked at him, and he was standing straight with his head up high in a dominant posture so I’m going to give him a chance”.
It’s simply an immediate, instinctive feeling that women get. They use these little body language cues to instantly size you up, then respond without even knowing it.
Dominance (attraction) can also be confirmed by your attitude when that initial eye contact goes a bit farther. You can say something cocky and funny to her, like “I just couldn’t help noticing you… [pause]… STARING at me…” or , “Do you always maintain such strong eye contact? Or do you only stare at guys like me that you can’t help it with?”
Try anything. You’re in the right place… I mean, you don’t even have to expend the energy to walk over and start a conversation! At least say Hi! Show her that you are a) not afraid to talk to her (i.e. not afraid of rejection/her opinion of you) b) aware that she is attracted to you (even if you are not sure, play it like she is and attraction will follow!) and c) a little out of her reach (because you are HIGHER STATUS than she is).