What most men want out of a dating experience, according to David DeAngelo of Double Your Dating, is to attract women instead of chasing after women. Its kind of like marketing – it’s a lot easier if you are a car salesman to sell a car to someone that comes onto your lot looking for one than it is to call someone up out of the yellow pages and try to get them to buy a car. It just doesn’t work. Dating and attraction work much the same way – it’s a lot easier to hook up with a girl when she is coming on to you than to try to create attraction for a girl you see and randomly find attractive.
One of the things David DeAngelo talks about all the time in the Double Your Dating series is that women are attracted to men for certain reasons (and these are really reasons beyond their control). Figure out these reasons and meet them, and you trigger a specific internal sequence in a woman, which is related to a primordial mating sequence that we are pre-programmed to have as human beings.
One of the ways to trigger this sequence is to be attractive to a woman in a “different” way. David DeAngelo calls this being “Different in a preferential way” (Double Your Dating, p 48). So a great way to formulate attraction and to have the women attracted to YOU and trying to vie for YOUR attention is to understand what the elements of attraction actually are.
One of the key elements to attraction for a woman is the element of masculinity (you can read about the others in the Double Your Dating eBook in depth). What masculinity is not: dumb jock bullying other people weaker than himself around. Masculinity is NOT treating women like objects. Masculinity is not bullying or being obnoxious.
Masculinity IS, however, a quiet confidence. It is an aura about you of INTERNAL power that tells a woman you are capable and adept. A masculine man will look people in the eye, have a firm handshake, be able to take a joke with aplomb, and be able to provide for himself and those dependent on him.
There is a lot of talk about being the “alpha male”. Many men misconstrue that, and believe this means you have to be the ringleader like Biff on Back to the Future, picking on Marty to look cool. No. What it means is that you are the provider, you are the protector, you are the one RESPONSIBLE for your group. Women can SENSE this in a man, because this used to be what determined the primordial mating sequence we talking about earlier. Some evolutionary responses may take a backseat in modern times, but have NO doubt, my friend, they are STILL there.
So take a close look at your life and your interactions. Think about what David DeAngelo says about being different in a “preferential” way. Learn how to take the confidence and the lifestyle of the TRUE alpha male and apply it to your life, and watch how your interactions with women start to change in a positive way.
I don’y need dating tips to help me through the dark days of being single. I’m a man and I can attract women myself. Not to sound like Will Ferrell out of Anchorman! I love women, and they love me too! although, i do think that there might be a few of my friends that could do with reading this. They are awful with Women!
You got it right! Before convincing my girl that I am a good man and the right man for her, I need to be pleasing not only physically but also making her think that I am responsible, humorous and tough guy she could ever have.
Although this article has a lot of great dating tips, advice, and ideas, it offers much more. It gives you an education and a step-by-step strategy that you can use to dramatically improve your dating success and enjoyment.
David Deangelo was the person who changed my life around over 7 years ago now. I can definitely vouch for the effectiveness of his techniques because I have tried all of them and experienced first hand success.
Increasing and boosting your masculinity is definitely the best way to crank up your attraction meter. This is a primal need that get women excited and attracted to the opposite sex, so it’s something that cannot be ignored.
As you said, become the alpha male and you will discover a success in women that you will not believe.
Thanks for this wonderful article and bringing it to the attention to help people who need a boost in the very first stage of getting a women, attraction.
Keep up the great work!
I think this article gives guys some good advice, but I also think they need to consider what type of woman they want to attract as well. Yes women like a confident man and a strong man, not someone that makes fun of everybody trying to make themselves look better. But do you want to attract a woman that can’t take care of herself and has to rely on you for everything or do you want someone that can take care of herself. It is all in what you are looking for.
I have been seeing this since high school. There always seems to be a guy who is cool with everyone, especially the ladies. It seems he never tries hard and the ladies talk amongst each other about him. Confidence seems to be a major factor. I guess this is what David DeAngelo is pointing out in this article and his book. I suppose to learn more about the details behind this dynamic, you have to buy the book. But for such golden information, it certainly is worth any price it may cost.