Dating can be uneasy at the best of times, but blind dates can be particularly uncomfortable for us guys. Effectively, by arranging a blind date, you are agreeing to meet up and spend time with a woman you’ve never seen before and this brings with it a host of emotions, from fear and dread to excitement and happiness. Here are some of the most common fears faced by guys who are planning or going on blind dates:
1. Should I actually go?
Most men have experienced the ‘should I, shouldn’t I’ dilemma just before an early date of any kind and this can happen even if you know somebody, you like them and you’ve had a good time on previous dates. However, the impact of it being a “blind date” adds that element of the unknown. Reality begins to set in when you’re getting ready or you’re on your way to the date causing nerves and an increase in adrenalin. If you concentrate on it too much, turning around and running for the hills may seem like the easy way out. But hey, it’s one night that could out to be very worthwhile. Don’t plan anything longterm in your head right now – other than longterm being the end of the night. If you’re nervous, try to stay calm and rationalise the situation; if you don’t like the person, you don’t have to stay for long and you never have to see them again.
2. What shall I wear?
This is an age-old dilemma, which confronts most guys when they are going on a date with somebody they’ve never met before or they don’t know well. You want to look good, but you don’t want to look like you’ve made too much effort or go over the top. Try to ensure that you are comfortable and that you feel confident; if you’re not sure if something is a bit tight and you keep pulling at it before you even get out of the house, this is probably not the best choice, as you will only feel more self-conscious when you are on your date. Try to dress for the location and the situation; if you’re going to the cinema, for example, you don’t need to be really dressy.
3. How should I greet my date?
This is a quandary that faces many people in day-to-day situations, as well as on dates; should you kiss, kiss twice, air kiss, hug, shake hands or just politely say hi? It’s difficult to know how to react to people you’ve never met before, but often a polite kiss on the cheek is the best option, as a handshake is rather formal and business-like and a hug may be a little awkward at the first meeting.
4. What should we talk about?
To some men, conversation comes very easily, but if you struggle sometimes or you find that it takes you a while to feel confident enough to chat properly with a girl, then it’ a good idea to have some talking points at the ready. Ask your date about their work, their family and their interests and try to find some common ground; if you establish things you have in common, this should help conversation to flow more easily.
5. What should I do if there are awkward silences?
Silence can be very awkward when you first meet somebody, so try to stay relaxed, have some questions ready and choose a date, which provides talking points for your first meeting; going for dinner can be quite difficult with somebody you’ve never met, so why not consider something a bit less formal, like a trip to the zoo, go karting, a picnic in the park or a boat trip, or consider having another couple join you at the beginning of the date. Perhaps you were introduced by them.
6. What if I don’t find the girl attractive?
The emphasis is on looks with a blind date, as you have nothing else to judge your date on; however, just because you don’t find somebody attractive initially, doesn’t mean that you won’t grow to find them more attractive thru the night, as you uncover other aspects of them, such as their interests, their values and their character and personality. Never be put off somebody because they aren’t ‘your type’; you really don’t know that yet and the fact that you are dating means that things haven’t gone right in the past, so perhaps what you think is your type, actually isn’t the best match for you.
If all goes well in the end and the two of you hit it off, it’s always important to remember to practice safe sex and use the right protection.